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Wants a healthy pregnancy! Know the Diet, Tips and Exercise

Wants a healthy pregnancy! Know the Diet, Tips and Exercise

Healthy pregnancy

Pregnancy is like transformative journey. During this journey there are so much excitement as well as anticipation.


Pregnancy is like transformative journey. During this journey there are so much excitement as well as anticipation. So ensuring a healthy pregnancy you should follow the tips and care, diet as well as you should do regular exercise and yoga and have to be fit mentally

How do I know my pregnancy is healthy?

Before to know that your pregnancy is healthy or not eat healthy and stay active and do regular exercise as well as yoga. Because these are the factors through which you can get a healthy pregnancy. There are so many symptoms through which you can know that your pregnancy is healthy. These symptoms are the:-

  • A pregnant woman will get healthy weight
  • There must be sore and vaginal discharge
  • There must be fetus movement inside the belly
  • There must be Increased and unusual vaginal discharge
  • There must be morning sickness and body exhaustion
  • Right growth of fetus and belly
  • How do I know my pregnancy week or month?

    If you want to calculate your pregnancy day, week or month than you will have to remember your last period date. If you are able to remember your last period date than just count from the last period date as a first day of the pregnancy

    What are the tips for healthy pregnancy?

    Healthy pregnancy is very important for the unborn baby. Because in the fetus unborn baby nourished by the mother that’s our science. So a mother has to take a variety of foods each day, a mother should drink water as her choice and has to avoid smoking as well as alcohol and also caffeine intake. Other tan this a mother has to do regular normal exercise and yoga. So these are the important tips, if a mother should follow this then definetly she will have a healthy pregnancy.

    Understand carefully each trimester

    Pregnancy period is divided into three trimester according to weekly count

    • First trimester (weeks 1-12)
    • Second trimester (weeks 13-26)
    • Third trimester (27-40)

    First trimester :-
    This is the trimester you can say that early development stages for the unborn baby so in this trimester a mother got significant hormonal changes in her body and also morning sickness and fatigue.

    Second trimester:-
    Now after first trimester a mother got noticeable baby bump and this trimester increases energy also as well as unborn baby has become more apparent towards growth and movement.

    Third trimester:- This trimester is the final stage of the growth of a unborn baby that’s why a mother gets discomfort due to the increased size of the baby.

    Regular consultancy of a doctor

    Actually, regular checkups are very essential for a pregnant mother. By the checkups you can monitor your health and can track baby’s growth also. During consultancy you can ask health related issue as well as doctor can teach you important health education. That’s why regular consultancy become more important.

    Healthy pregnancy diet

    Either you are pregnant or not or any person always take balance diet. Because balance diet supports the good health. And as a mother health you should eat following component like
    a) fruits and vegetables
    b) whole grains
    c) dairy product

    Other than this there are some important nutrients that should you take:-
    a) Folic acid- because it can prevents neural tube defects
    b) Calcium-for strong bone
    c) Omega-3 fatty acid- important for the brain development

    So,these are the nutrients which you should take for a healthy pregnancy. Apart from this you have avoid some foods like:-
    a) Bacterial infections food or raw food
    b) Unpasteurized dairy product
    c) High mercury fish
    d) Excessive caffeine like tea or coffee
    e) Alcohol as well as cigarette

    How to enjoy pregnancy and not worry

    Do regular exercise and physical activity for to reduce pregnancy discomfort. So during pregnancy such exercise you should do:-
    a) Walking
    b) Swimming
    c) Prenatal yoga
    d) Pelvic floor exercise
    e) Butterfly exercise

    Other than this please avoid sports or heavy lifting and always be hydrated and the most important thing listen to your body.

    Mental health plays a vital role in the pregnancy health

    Actually pregnancy can be a stressful time and it is more when you are going to become first time mom. So here are some tips through which you can follow and can manage stress:-
    a) mindfulness and meditation
    b) prenatal classes
    c) regular doctor’s consultancy
    d) connect with good friends and family
    e) proper sleep and rest


    Hoping that through this blog you get some tips and suggestion about healthy pregnancy. And you are going to apply in your pregnancy days. So my friends thanks to being with this blog and if you are interested to read healthcare blog then stay tuned with us

    Frequently Asked questions

    Which trimester is the hardest?
    The third trimester is the hardest trimester because this the final stage of pregnancy and have to be very careful about your health, physically and mentally

    Can I travel during pregnancy or is it safe?
    Actually you must should consult with your healthcare provider for this answer but in maximum case it is consider to be safe.

    Can I eat according to my choice?
    No, during pregnancy you are not feeding yourself only, your unborn baby also. So have to take proper diet

Keywords: Healthy Pregnancy, Pregnancy Exercises, Prenatal Nutrition, Pregnancy Care, Pregnancy Tips