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Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Effective Prevention Measures

Dengue Fever: Causes, Symptoms, Effects and Effective Prevention Measures


Dengue is a viral infection that is spread by mosquitoes. It is mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions


Through this article, we are going to discuss dengue fever such as what causes dengue fever, what are its symptoms, what are the effects, What should a patient do to prevent it? etc. So let's move ahead with the article and give you detailed information about dengue fever.

What is dengue fever?

First of all you have to understand what dengue fever is? Actually it is a viral infection that is spread by mosquitoes.It is mainly found in tropical and subtropical regions. That's why the other name for dengue is 'tropical flu' and dengue fever is also called 'bone-breaking fever'. This is because it causes severe muscle and joint pain along with fever.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever

The symptoms of dengue fever do not appear immediately after the bite of an infected mosquito. Its symptoms start appearing within about 4 to 10 days, such as:

  • Very high fever
  • Headache
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Red rashes on the skin
  • Feeling tired and weak

Effects of Dengue Fever

If a person is suffering from dengue fever, he may have serious problems, such as:

  • Lack of platelets in the blood
  • Blood pressure may drop
  • There may be swelling in the organs
  • Hemorrhage and shock syndrome may occur

How does dengue fever occur ?

Dengue fever is spread by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes. These mosquitoes have the specific time to bite, usually they bite during the day, especially in the morning and evening of the day. Actually this mosquito sucks the blood of an infected person, after that when it bites another person, the virus spreads.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

If you are thinking of preventing dengue fever, then you can take the following measures:-

  • Use mosquito nets for sleeping
  • Use mosquito repellent spray and cream
  • Wear full-body clothes
  • Avoid mosquito-borne places
  • Maintain cleanliness around you

How long does dengue fever last?

Dengue fever usually lasts for 2 to 7 days. But if the case is severe, this fever can also last for more than a week.In complicated cases like dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), the patient's condition can be serious and can last longer.

Stages of Dengue Fever

There are mainly 3 stages of dengue fever:

  • Febrile phase: This stage is accompanied by high fever, headache and muscle pain.
  • Critical Phase: This phase occurs between the third and seventh day of fever. It may lead to a decrease in platelets, bleeding and a drop in blood pressure.
  • Recovery Phase: In this phase, the patient's condition improves and the platelet count starts increasing.

How to recover from dengue?

The following measures can be taken to recover from dengue:

  • Take adequate rest
  • Try to stay hydrated
  • Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
  • Take medicines suggested by the doctor
  • Get regular check-ups from the doctor

What does WHO and NCBI say about dengue?

WHO: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), dengue is a rapidly spreading viral infection and controlling the mosquito population is important for its prevention.And this can only happen when we pay attention to cleanliness around us. Therefore, WHO has issued several guidelines for the treatment and prevention of dengue.

NCBI: According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), dengue does not have an effective treatment, but it can be controlled with proper care and hydration. NCBI has published many research and studies on dengue.

Current Status of Dengue in India

Dengue is a serious problem in India and thousands of cases are reported every year. Currently,Many measures are being taken by the Indian government and health organizations to control the mosquito population and prevent dengue. And health awareness programs and community efforts are being made to reduce the spread of dengue.


Dengue fever is a serious and acute viral infection that is spread by mosquito bites. Its symptoms and effects can be very severe, but it is possible to prevent and recover from it with proper care and precautions. To prevent dengue, it is necessary to control the mosquito population and adopt personal protective measures

Keywords: Dengue, Travel, Malaria, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, healthcare, Mosquito