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Know what measles is? And keep your child safe!

Know what measles is? And keep your child safe!

Child Safe

Actually it is a highly contagious viral disease that mainly affects children,but do not think that it will happen only in children because it can also happen in adults.


Hello friends! Through this article you will know what measles is. So that you can keep your children safe. So let's move forward with the article and give you detailed information. Actually it is a highly contagious viral disease that mainly affects children, but do not think that it will happen only in children because it can also happen in adults.

What is measles?

If we talk about measles, let us tell you that it is a serious viral infection that is caused by the measles virus in humans. This virus spreads very easily and causes serious health problems. So let's know what are its symptoms so that you can also know whether someone has measles or not.

Symptoms of measles

So let us tell you what are the symptoms of measles-

  • Fever: Measles starts with high fever.
  • Cough: Dry cough.
  • Nasal discharge: Watery fluid coming out of the nose.
  • Burning and redness in the eyes: Eyes become red and may water
  • Rash: Starting from the face, small red rashes may appear all over the body.
If you see all these symptoms, do not panic, seek the help of a doctor so that proper treatment can be done.

What does a measles rash look like?

In the symptoms of measles, you came to know that it includes fever, cough, runny nose, burning and redness in the eyes and rashes like starting from the face and spreading all over the body, so let us give you more information about this rash.

Actually, this rash is red in color and starting from the face, gradually spreads all over the body. At first, these rashes appear in the form of small spots, but then they combine with each other and take the form of big spots.

Causes of measles

As you have already been told, measles is caused by the Measles virus. This virus spreads in the air when the infected person coughs or sneezes.Apart from this, it can also spread by coming in contact with an infected person.

Treatment of Measles

Measles can be treated in the following ways, but this article has been written just to give information, so you should consult a doctor regularly. So let's know its treatment:

  • Rest: The infected person should take complete rest.
  • Hydration: As much water and fluids should be consumed as possible.
  • Measures to reduce fever: Take paracetamol or other fever-reducing medicines on the advice of a doctor.
  • Vitamin A supplements: Vitamin A supplements can be helpful in measles infection. But you should also take this only on the advice of a doctor.

Measles vaccine

If you are wondering what to do so that measles does not occur, then for your information, let me tell you that vaccination is the most effective way to prevent measles. MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) vaccine is given to children, which provides protection against measles, mumps and rubella.

Impact of Measles in India

Measles is an important public health problem in India. Due to lack of awareness among people, measles is common in rural areas and underdeveloped areas.And somewhere this is one of the reasons due to which the mortality rate of children increases, especially in those children whose immunity is weak.

World Health Organization's view on measles

You need to know that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers measles a serious disease and is constantly trying to get rid of it.According to WHO, regular vaccination programs and public awareness campaigns play an important role in reducing measles cases. Therefore, you must also try to make people around you aware.

How to avoid measles?

You can protect yourself and your children from measles by the following measures:

  • Vaccination: First of all, you must get your children vaccinated against measles on time.
  • Maintain hygiene: Maintain personal hygiene and keep distance from the infected person as much as possible.
  • Public awareness: Spread awareness about the symptoms of measles and the importance of vaccination so that people around you do not get infected and you can also stay safe.
  • Healthcare access: Get medical help immediately as soon as you notice any measles symptoms.


Through this article, we have given you detailed information about measles like what is measles? What are the symptoms of measles? How can it be prevented, what should you do to get rid of it? And much more. Hope you liked our article

Keywords: Measles, infectious, healthy, infected person, healthcare, pediatric infectious, disease