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Ayurveda : Dharniyavega & Sadvritta (Dhincharya)

Dharniya vega (description of suppressible urges)

Dharniya means the one that is to be suppressed and vega means urge i.e. the urges natural or developed that need to be suppressed by every living being are described in ayurveda as follows:

Suppressible urges of the mana (mind)

Lobha (greediness)
Shoka (depression)
Bhaya (cowardliness)
Krodh (anger)
Ahankar (ego)
Nirlajata (shamelessness)
Irshya (jealousy)

Suppressible urges of the sharir (body)

Par-pida (trouble others) or hinsa (violence in any form)
Par-Stree sambhog (to indulge in sexual intercourse other than one's wife)
Chori (theft)

Suppressible urge of the vaachan (tongue)

Atyant kathor vachan (unpleasing talks)
Anvrut (to tell lies)
Vakasya akalyut (untimely talk)
If an individual is able to suppress these urges it is possible for him to gain the pursharth chatusthya


To maintain the immune system of the body the essentiality is Oja, as it is the essence of all the dhatus.

Panchabhoutic Siddhanta

To understand physiology, pathology and pharmacokinetics of ayurvedic therapeutics the concept of panchabhoutic siddanth is of vital importance.

Phrithwi, Aapa, Teja, Vayu and Akasha are the five (Pancha) basic elements that are the constituents of all living matter. Together these five are called Panchamahabhoota.


The "Soul" lives in the body so it is considered as purusha, as anyone who live in this home i.e. body is called purusha. In ayurveda the body has no meaning without purusha (soul). Whole ayurveda is compiled for the betterment of karma purusha and thus it holds great importance in ayurveda.