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Ayurveda : Samanya

It refers to the situation where things are brought under the same head or same category. It is also the means to increase in the samanya (similarities) or properties. The samanya therapy is responsible for deriving the basic theory of treatment i.e. Smaha pelitua (equilibrium status should be maintained), Kshimha Vardhitva (decreased thing should be increased) and Vridhi Hrashitva (increased things should be decreased). To increase the decreased things i.e. Kshina Vardhitva also sthings are used.

Classification of Samanya (similarity)

Para-apara bheda

These refer to the similarities that exists in more than one thing i.e. at the borderline of any two or more substances are called Par Samanya .e.g. Padarth is a Par Samanya because all the existing things comes under it.

Apar Samanya is the similarity that is not found in many things i.e. it is something not very common, it may be present in anyone species for example speech in humans only.

Para - Apar Samanya is the similarity that exists between the Para and Apara Samanya. For example Dravyatva is found in all Dravya here dravya is a Padartha and human comes under dravya so dravtva the Guna of davic is para - apar samanya.

Dravya Guna Bheda

Dravya Samanya is the similarity of the dravya (matter ) only. The example of the increase of increase in blood and muscles in human body after the consumption of flesh.

Guna Samanya is the similarity brings the things in one category. Only the things that have similar guna are categorized under this samanya. Same theory is applied for the treatment in Ayurveda. e.g Milk & Ghee have similar property as that of Shukra (Singdha, Shita, Madhur).