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Ayurveda : Traya Upastambha

Traya Upastambha (Essential Triads of Health): This term is a combination of two words i.e. upa menaing support and stambha meaning base. As the concept of five elements that constitute our body is well known i.e. prithvi (the earth element), jala (the water element), agni (the fire element), vayu (the air element) & aakash (the space element) an equilibrium between these five elements is essential for physiological functions of the body. There are basically three triads that that help in the maintenance of the panchamahabhoota, namely:

  • Aahar (balanced diet)
  • Swapna or nidra (sleep)
  • Bramhacharya (sayyam)

Ahar (balanced diet)

It literally means the diet that we consume daily. In other words every humans daily meal is his Ahaar. This Ahaar consumed is taken in in the form of protein, carbohydrates, minerals etc. that are essentials for the body growth and development. In ayurveda health does not only refer to the physical fitness but also to the sensorial, mental, & spiritual wellbeing. The food taken in is in terms of saatvik, raajasik, & taamsik bhojan. All these food categories effect the mood, sense in different ways, as the Saatvik bhojan creates a sense of cheerfulness & santosh (contentment), the Raajasik bhojan increases anger and ego whereas the Tamasic bhojan causes laziness and depression.

Ayurveda also prescribes a conduct code while eating that states refrain from speaking while eating, avoid gulping down of food (to chew it properly) and the consumption of food must be according to the constitution of the consumer rather than mere taste.

Swapna or Nidra (sleep)

According to ayurveda the state when the mind and body both go to rest it is said that the living body is asleep. When the mind is afflicted by taamoguna in the night, the kapha dosha increases and natural sleep is inflicted. Kapha dosha is related to growth and development of our body tissues and increases the immunity to fight against diseases. In the presence of depression, anger or sensuality a good, calm sleep is not possible because these increase vata (raajasik guna) which has an effect opposite to that of tamoguna. Sleeping for long or sleeping beyond the night at odd hours disturbs the whole day routine and have a bad effect on health. Also lack of proper sleep gives a dull feel all day, laziness, burning sensation in eyes in eyes, headache, body ache. Bad sleep effects the routine, timely urge to eat along with regular bowel movements.

Bramhacharya (abstinence)

It refers to the state of life when any living being refrains from excessive sensuality. This state does not mean a complete sexual abstinence but to indulge in sex such away so as not to have any adverse effect on health.

Ayurveda insists on refraining oneself form sexual activities during academic years and is defined as Bramhacharya ashram. Ayurveda advocates sexual intercourse after marriage in the form of gruhastha ashram but here also excessive indulgence is prohibited as it leads to loss of physical strength, memory, lack of vitality, increases irritability and disturbs the normal physiological functions of the body by causing a dis-equilibrium of the three doshas. Ayurveda looks upon sex not merely as fun but as one of the purushartha chatushtaya that means procreation.

Ayurveda believes in the principle of "Ati Sarvatra Varjaayet" where ati means excess in any walk of life be it food, sleep or sex. All of this emphasizes on the regulated functioning of the three triads.