Medicinal Plants : Adenanthera vasika
Malabar NutBiological Name
Adhatoda vasika, Adenanthera vasikaOther Names
Malabar Nut, Vasaka, Vasa, AdosaDescription
This is a bush growing throughout India.
Parts Used
Leaves, roots, flowers, barkHealing Properties
alterative, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant,
- asthma
- bleeding
- bronchitis
- cough
- diabetes
- diarrhea
- dysentery
- epilepsy
- fever
- flu
- hysteria
- insanity
- neuralgia
- repellent for fleas, mosquitoes, centipedes, flies and other
- insects
- rheumatic pain
- skin disorders
- swelling
- TB
- urinary disorders
- vomiting
- wasting
Infusion, extract, decoction, poultice, powderSafety
Use caution. Ayurvedic herbs are often taken in combination with others to neutralize the toxicity one herb with the opposing effect of other. Do not take except under the supervision of a qualified professional.