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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Naregamla alata


Country Ipecacuanha

Biological Name

Naregamla Alata

Other Names

Bhui-naringa, Country Ipecacuanha, Goanese Ipecacuanha, Kapur-bhendi, Nelanarakam, Nela-naregan, Nela-naringa, Nela-naringu, Nepa- naringu, Nilanaragom, Pittpapra, Tinpani, Pittvel, Trifolio

Parts Used

Root, stems, leaves

Active Compounds

Root contains an alkaloid "Naregamin."

Bark of root contains wax, gum, asparagine, and starch. It has no tannin.

Remedies For


Root, stems (without leaves) - emetic, expectorant


Root has a pungent aromatic odor, is emetic and expectorant. It is used as a remedy in acute dysentery.

Root and leaves are used in rheumatism.

Decoction of the stem and leaves has been used in dysentery.

The herb is traditionally used as an expectorant, in chronic bronchitis, where there is a thick, scanty and tenacious expectoration, or mucus to be expelled, and in bronchial catarrh with asthmatic tendencies and heart difficulty.

Juice of the plant mixed with coconut oil is used in cases of psora.


This is a small woody shrub growing in Western and Southern India.


Root and stems (as emetic and expectorant) - 12 to 20 grains.

Dose of fluid extract is from 5 to 20 minims as an alterative and expectorant and from 15 to 40 minims as an emetic.


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