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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Phaseoli radiati


Mung bean

Biological Name

Phaseoli radiati

Other Names

Mung bean, Lu Dou

Parts Used


Remedies For

Antipyretic, antihypertensive, antidote to toxic poisonings, nutritive tonic.

Mung bean is a nutritious protein food that is used by Oriental herbalists for all hot, inflammatory conditions, ranging from systemic infections to heat stroke to hypertension. Also used for toxic poisoning, including aconite poisoning. Very effective as a soup for heat stroke associated with thirst, irritability, and fever.


15-30 grams; 120 grams are cooked with 60 grams of licorice for aconite poisoning


Because of their cooling nature, mung beans should be avoided or cooked with warming spices for those with a weak digestion.