Medicinal Plants : Phoradendron flavescens
American MistletoeBiological Name
Phoradendron flavescens
Mistletoe family, Loranthaceae
Other Names
American Mistletoe, Golden Bough, Mistletoe, false mistletoe, goldenbough, birdlimeParts Used
Romans, celtics and Germans believed that Mistletoe is a key to the supernatural. Mistletoe stood for sex and fertility. Hence our current tradition of exchanging kisses under a sprig of mistletoe.Remedies For
Emetic, nervine Stimulant to soothe muscle, producing a rise in blood pressure and increases the contraction of the intestine and uterus. This herb had been recommended as an oxytocic in postpartum hamorrhage and menorrhagia and as a circulatory and uterine stimulant. The plant may induce menstruation. It had been shown effective in treating tumors in experimental animals. It is recommended that, due to the toxicity of the plant, internal consumption of this herb be avoided.
This plant is sometimes called false mistletoe to distinguish it from the European genus, Viscum album. There are differences in medicinal properties between the two species. This is a parasitic evergreen shrub. The branching woody stem is swollen at the nodes and bears opposite, leathery, yellowish green leaves which are hairy when young but glabrous at maturity. Small whitish flowers appear in May- July followed by white berries in December.Dosage
Do not use without medical supervision.
U.S. FDA lists this plant as "unsafe".
Do not use without medical supervision.