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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Rubus wallichii


Red Raspberry

Biological Name

Rubus wallichii

Other Names

Red Raspberry, Gauriphal, wild red raspberry, reapberry

Parts Used

Leaves, fruit

Active Compounds

Raspberry contains a volatile oil, sugar, pectin, citric and malic acids, mineral and coloring matter, some mineral salts and water.

Remedies For


Alterative, anti-emetic, astringent, hemostatic, parturient, purgative, stimulant, stomachic, tonic.

Fruit: antacid, esculent, laxative, parturient


Raspberry is cooling in all feverish conditions. Fresh fruit allays thirst better than any fruit, except strawberry.

Infusion of raspberry leaves is a remedy for severe laxity of bowels, dysentery, cholera, summer complaints and passive hemorrhage from stomach etc.


Raspberry grows wild in UK. It is also plentiful in the North-West parts of India. It is cultivated in other parts of the world.


Decoction: Use 1 tsp. root or leaves to 1 cup water. Take 1 to 2 cups a day, cold.

Tincture (of root): Take 15 to 40 drops in water, as needed.


Caution: Most varieties promote abortion except American red raspberry. This herb also may promote constipation.

Do not take if you are pregnant.

No other information is available. Do not take without the supervision of a qualified professional.