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Herb Information Alternative Cure

Medicinal Plants : Sanicula europaea


European sanicle

Biological Name

Sanicula europaea

Other Names

European sanicle, wood sanicle

Parts Used


Remedies For


Astringent, expectorant, styptic.


European sanicle tea helps to relieve mucous congestion in the chest, stomach, and intestines. As a gargle and- mouthwash, it is good for mouth and throat inflammations and sores. It is sometimes used externally to treat skin eruptions, scrofula, and suppurating wounds. The plant also has a mildly styptic action which makes it helpful for internal hemorrhage


European sanicle is a perennial plant commonly found in shady, moist places in the deciduous forests of Europe. The short, woody rootstock produces a naked stem up to 1/2 feet high, as well as the basal, palmately divided, serrate leaves. Small, white to reddish flowers grow in compound umbels from May to July. Later the plant produces a globular fruit with hooked prickles.


Infusion: Steep 2 tsp. in 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes. Take ½ cup a day.

Powder: Take 1/4 to 1/2 tsp., three times a day.


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