Medicinal Plants : Sida alba
NagabalaBiological Name
Sida Spinosa, Sida alba , Sida alinifolia, Sida cordifolia, Sida Rhombifolia
Other Names
Bonmethi, Gorakchaulia, Gulsakari, Kadumenthys, Kantalo-bal, Khar-yashtika, Kattuvantiyam, Mayir-mamkkam, Pilabarela, Sham- lethe-dashti, Tukati-kharetiParts Used
Leaves used in gleet and scalding urine.
Root and root bark used in debility and fever.
Remedies For
Leaves are demulcent and refrigerant and are useful in gonorrhoea, gleet and scalding urine.
Decoction of the root-bark and root is used in mild cases of debility and fever.
Leaves are bruised in water, strained through cloth and administered in the form of a draught.
Root is used in decoction.
Nagabala is found throughout the hotter parts of India and Sri Lanka.
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