Naturopathy : Mud Bath
Mud or clay bath is another mode of treatment. It is applied in the same way as packs, but only on a larger scale on the entire body. In this, mud or clay is first ground and sifted to remove all impurities, and then made into a smooth paste mixed with hot water. The paste is then spread on a sheet which in turn is wrapped round the body. One or two blankets are then wrapped over this, depending on the temperature of the room and that of the pack. A mud bath is followed with a cleansing warm water bath and a short cold shower.
The mud bath is found to tone up the skin by increasing the circulation and energising the skin tissues. Frequent mud baths help to improve the complexion, clear spots and patches on the skin following skin disorders or due to smallpox. It is very beneficial in the treatment of skin diseases like psoriasis, leucoderma and every leprosy.
This bath is also valuable in getting relief from rheumatic pain or pain in the joints caused by injuries. The duration of the bath should be from 30 minutes to one hour. Care should also be taken to avoid the patient catching a chill during the bath. Mud applications also form a vital part of natural beauty treatment.
Duration: 45 to 60 minutes.
It is given in a special cubicle where the patient can expose himself to sunlight. Mud may be applied to the patient in sitting or lying position. This helps to improve the skin condition by increasing the circulation and energizing the skin tissues. Care should be taken to avoid catching of cold the bath. Afterwards, the patient must be thoroughly washed with cold water jet spray. If the patient feels chill, warm water be used. The patient is then dried quickly and transferred to a warm bed.
Uses: Mud bath invigorates the circulatory system by diverting a large amount of blood to the periphery and hence useful in cleansing and strengthening the skin tissue.
Frequent application of mud bath helps in improving the complexion of the skin by getting rid of spots and patches, which appear in various skin disorders and after chicken and small pox. Mud bath is also generally recommended for all skin diseases, including Psoriasis, Lucoderma and Leprosy, Urticaria and other allergic conditions of the skin. Mud applications are a part of natural beauty treatment.