Indian Recipe

Indian Recipes ⇢ whole grain toast



Meal of Day



North Indian Recipe

Whole grain toast is a nutritious and adaptable breakfast or snack option made from whole grain bread. Whole grain bread offers more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy plant elements than refined grain bread.

Nutritional values

Carbohydrates13 grams
Proteins3 gram
Fat1 gram
Fiber2 gram
Vitamin B64 %
Iron4 %
Magnesium4 %
Phosphorus8 %
Potassium2 %
Zinc2 %


2 Slices Of Whole wheat bread
1 tablespoon Avocado spread or butter
sliced avocado, tomatoes, cheese, hummus, or jam


Toast the bread slices in a toaster oven until golden brown.
While the toast is still warm, slather it with butter or avocado spread.
Toppings such as sliced avocado, tomatoes, cheese, hummus, or jam are optional.